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It's the LAW Find the 26 5-letters-or-longer words containing LAW or go directly to jail.
Big Adjectives Each of these 52 words describes something as being Big to Very Big to Very, Very Big.
The Skinny The skinny on this Word Search is that it contains 43 words synonymous with SKINNY.
Breaking Bad Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, and the 48 other characters hidden here make AMC's critically-acclaimed series must-see TV.
BT Words There's no douBT you'll quickly find the 26 words of six or more letters containing BT.

1-Syllable Rhymes with Ear We're sure the solver won't sneer at this little puzzle of a mere 37 words of one syllable that rhyme with EAR.
Contemporary Country These 66 songs, including "You," have reached #1 on the Nashville charts from 2010 to today.
Jennifers Et Al We have 36 famous Jennifers, Jennys, Jennas, etc., jamming today's grid.
New Words 2012 How many of these 47 words added last year to the Collins Online Dictionary do you use?
Famous Marylanders The Old Line State has produced numerous national notables, including these 63 people.