Going forward, there will be no new puzzles. Please continue to enjoy the past puzzles!
Sitcom Families From the RICARDO family in the 1950s to the GRIFFIN family in 2017, these 60 television comedy families have given us a zillion laughs.
Merry CHRISTMAS Our gift to you is this puzzle of 41 5-letter-or-longer words anagrammed from CHRISTMAS.
Double Double Vowels GOODY-GOODY for you if you find these 46 words each of which has a pair of double vowel sequences in it.
50 Great Girl Groups These hit-making groups have entertained audiences from the 1950s to the present.
National Flags with Black on Them The flag of each of the 53 countries in this Word Search has the color black somewhere on it.

We Want to Be RICH We would be more than happy to be described by any of these 38 words or phrases meaning to have wealth.
Wrens 43 species of the small brown bird are nesting in today's puzzle grid.
Movies from TV Shows The 53 films showing here were all derived from earlier television programs.
Famous Giants of Fact and Fiction We barely found space to cram 45 notable Giants into today's puzzle grid.
Rhymes with DEED Test your Word Find speed by circling the 42 6-letter-or-longer words that Rhyme with DEED.
MOT Words MOT is French for "word," but the 40 6-letter-or-longer words here are English words containing the sequence MOT.
Scored Sports The winners and losers of these 45 Sports are determined by a score of some kind.
Masterpiece Theatre and Masterpiece Presents Among these 55 great PBS programs are many of television's all-time best productions.
L Occupations Lots of people are employed at these 45 jobs that begin with the letter L.
Wheels Each of the 59 things in today's grid has Wheels of some kind as a part of it.
Famous Walters and Walts These 43 men with the first name Walter or Walt have distinguished themselves as athletes, authors, actors, animators, etc.
Yucky! This is definitely a DIRTY Word Find--each of the 50 words means not clean or not neat.
Languages Written in Non-Latin Scripts These 45 world languages are written using non-ABC...Z letters and/or symbols.
Authors -- C Can you find these 48 famous novelists, poets, playwrights, and short story writers whose surnames begin with C?
A Word Search for MOTHERs The puzzle fairy godMOTHER waves her wand and the solver has 44 common words and phrases containing MOTHER (+) to find.
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