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Famous Texans These 70 people are a sampling of the many famous sons and daughters of the Lone Star State.
Be GOOD If you're good at solving Word Finds you'll find all 46 words that measure up to E.T.'s advice.
Spider-Man's Foes The Web-Crawler has faced these 60 evildoers, and others, during his long crime-fighting career.
The I's Have It Test your IQ with this puzzle of 51 words containing 3 or more I's and no other vowels.
Rhymes with TEAM You won't need a team to find these 27 rhymes.
Cities of Italy Many of these 56 cities that are centers of life for the people of Europe's Boot also attract tourists with their history, beauty, and food.
Cliches from Sports These 66 phrases had their starts in sports before becoming everyday expressions.
Noted Female Poets There's nothing prose-aic about this puzzle containing 45 of the world's most popular poets.
MAN Oh Man What a Word Search! Can you MANage to find 48 7-letter-or-longer words beginning MAN?
Movie Series Each of these 87 film favorites has been followed by a number of successful sequels.
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