Going forward, there will be no new puzzles. Please continue to enjoy the past puzzles!
Getting the AX No, you're not being fired, you're being hired--to hunt the 39 5-or-longer words containing AX.
Signs We give you fair Warning (Hint) that there are 48 words meaning Sign in this Word Find.
We Gather Together Have a Happy Thanksgiving with the 68 Thanksgiving things in today's grid.
Bad Boys, Bad Boys Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when the solver comes for all 49 of you?
A Sauce-y Word Search These 55 Sauces add flavor to a wide variety of culinary creations.

Mind Your Own Business ... and you will find 46 words and phrases meaning to get into someone else's business.
World Gulfs You won't be at sea if you locate the 57 Gulfs in this Word Search.
Easy TZ Don't puTZ around and you'll find finding the 36 word containing TZ fairly easy.
Bad Feelings When we feel bad, we may have one (or more) of these 80 negative feelings.
You Can Call Me Al Et Al You'll do ALright when you find the 48 surnames of famous men with Al, Albert, or Alfred as a first name.
Elbow Room Daniel Boone would cry if you failed to find the 33 word meaning Elbow Room.
Things That Are Mined Can you dig out the 49 materials in today's grid that are obtained by Mining.
Get-Up-and-Go Do you have the passion to pluck the 50 synonyms of Get-Up-and-Go from this Word Search?
The Works of Charles Dickens The English literature great wrote these 42 works during his long and productive life.
First Name or Last Name? These 50 names are both among the most popular given names and the most frequent surnames in the U. S.
From the Turkish The 41 words in today's puzzle have come into English through Turkish.
Canals of the World The 38 Canals in today's grid have played significant roles in world commerce.
PT Words Can you caPTure all 73 8-or-longer words containing PT?
Beauty Products These 53 items help us look and feel good.
An IMPERFECT Puzzle Actually, this puzzle of 41 kinds of Imperfection is perfectly good.
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