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Famous World Artists From the Mona Lisa to the Blue Boy, many of the world's great masterpieces have been painted by the 76 artists in today's Word Search.
Lands Ho! Can you climb into your crow's-nest and spot these 47 places of fact and fiction that end in LAND?
Give Us an FF ... and we'll stuff a Word Search with 82 words containing FF.
Elvis Presley's Greatest Hits Rock the jukebox with these 43 chartbusters by the King of Rock 'N' Roll.
Animals of the North A menagerie of 47 animals found in the colder regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

A Word Search, by George Well, not by George, but with George, and George, and George--67 Georges, to be exact.
Trios In celebration of All-Star Puzzles' 300th Word Search, we've split 24 noted trios into 72 single entries to hide in today's grid.
Double Double Letter Words You'll be seeing Double Double with this Word Search puzzle of 61 words containing two or more pairs of doubled letters.
France's Most Famous Vive! the 98 noted French men and women in today's puzzle for Francophiles.
When? When? Each of the 61 words and phrases in today's Word Search gives an answer.
Talk Show Hosts While we're talking about talking, let's find the 73 TV Talk Show personalities playing host in this Word Search Puzzle.
Talk the Talk The only Walk needed here is to find the 52 Talking points in the puzzle grid.
Love at the Movies This Valentine's Day puzzle brings heart-felt wishes from Hollywood: 94 movies whose titles contain LOVE.
The Friendly Word Search This pleasant puzzle offers 54 cordial expressions we (should) use in our dealings with others.
B Geography You can better a B in geography by finding these 95 entries beginning with B on a world map.
Sounds Like A Give yourself an A+ for solving this Word Search of 56 words with a long A sound but no A.
Money By Any Other Name ... buys just as much, and these 50 U.S. slang terms for Money fill our wallets just fine.
Simile-ar Sayings We've taken 92 familiar expressions and dropped the "as" and "like" comparative words to make this unusual puzzle.
Beatles Songbook Scream through these 68 greatest hits by the Fab Four.
Ancient Cities Civilization as we know it was born and nurtured in these 58 Ancient Cities.
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