Going forward, there will be no new puzzles. Please continue to enjoy the past puzzles!
Rhymes with VAST We hope none of these 38 5-letter-or-longer words rhyming with VAST get past your eagle eye.
Food and Drink -- D 34 delectable kinds of food or drink make a delicious Word Find.
New Television Series, 2017-18 The 36 TV programs here will debut, or return after a hiatus, to the ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, or CW schedule during the coming year.
Large Islands of the World Can you locate the 58 well-known islands from around the globe in today's puzzle?
Max Et Al We've gathered 41 famous men of fact and fiction named Max, Maxwell, or Maximilian in today's grid.

At-TEN-tion You can be at ease after finding the 35 5-letter-or-longer words beginning TEN.
2018 Emmy Award Winners Each of these 38 people and programs won one or more of this year's premier awards for television excellence.
Novel Title Characters Each of these 44 famous fictional works has the main character's first or last name or both as its title.
FALL ___ This Word Find isn't about Autumn, just about 44 words and phrases to find that follow FALL to make common expressions.
Top Record-Selling Artists of Alltime Along with B'z and U2, these 48 solo artists and groups make the list of 50 with the most worldwide record sales.

Rhymes with CRAZE -- Two Syllables As ALWAYS, we provide a tough Word Search challenge: circle 55 two-syllable words that rhyme with CRAZE in the grid.
The Avengers Each of these 45 Marvel comic book characters is or has been a member of the superhero good-guy group.
Natural Metals The 68 Metals in today's puzzle all occur in nature.
Get Moving! Good advice to anyone dozing along in one of these 48 states of inaction.
If ... ... you find the 63 8-letter-or-longer words containing IF, you are a gIFTed Word Search solver.
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