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Mario Game Characters Whether friend or foe, these 54 characters in the Mario series make playing the many games great fun.
Hold Your Horses We know you're eager to get at this puzzle of 46 words and phrases indicating impatience.
Putting Men in Their Places 40 places, to be exact--each containing a different man's name.
War Movies On Memorial Day, we honor those who served with a puzzle of 78 films that tell their stories.
What's NEW? A Word Search of 43 words that are synonyms of NEW, that's what.

Historic American Forts These 65 places have played roles across 350 years of our nation's history.
BOOK Endings Not, not plot denouements, just 37 words and phrases that precede BOOK in making longer words and phrases.
Sad Songs Whether about love or life gone tragically wrong, we shed a tear when we hear any of these 69 songs.
Dynasty The 49 Dynasties and Houses in today's grid have been prime movers in world history.
A Word Search Arboretum 29 words each containing the name of a different tree make a knotty puzzle.
Animals with Horns You can find 44 horned animals on this Word search safari.
A Penny Saved .... ... is a penny earned, and how you can amass the 29 financial troves in this Word Search.
Mediterranean Ports You'll love sailing from one of these 56 ports to another as you cross the beautiful blue sea.
N to N Words We have a notion you'll find these 40 words beginning and ending with N.
Ampersand Duos We've used an & to connect these 59 word duos that pair off to make common expressions.
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