Going forward, there will be no new puzzles. Please continue to enjoy the past puzzles!
Home ___ It'll be sweet when you locate all 47 words that follow HOME to make commonly-used words and phrases.
Losers Weepers You'd be crying a river if you lost all these 58 Things People commonly Lose.
Get It Together Can you MANAGE to find the 52 words and phrases that mean to ORGANIZE or GET READY?
Rhymes with YAWN Finding these 35 5-letters-or-longer words rhyming with YAWN sure beats mowing the lawn at dawn.
Texas Towns with Unusual Names This COOL collection of 49 burgs should SPUR you on to bring home the Word Search BACON.

Set the Table ... with all or some of these 41 different kinds of tableware
Girls' Names: Y We couldn't think of enough female names of 5 or more letters beginning with Y to make a good puzzle, but we did come up with these 53 containing Y.
Half ___ The only time we do things by half is when we construct a puzzle of 41 words that follow HALF to make common words and phrases.
Eating Green Not just healthy things but a buffet of 46 Green-colored things to eat are on today's menu.
In the Underground ... you could find these 39 things that are generally below the earth's surface.
Ends in GO Ready, set, GO! find all 44 words ending in GO.
Freds Et All Fred, Frederick, Freddy, etc.--we have 45 famous ones of fact and fiction in today's grid.
Wings Can you fly through this Word Find of 43 real and imaginary people, animals, and creatures that have Wings?
At the Rodeo ... you'll hear these 58 terms associated with the wild, western U. S. spectacle.
Gem Cuts Any of these 36 kinds of Cuts can turn a Gemstone into beautiful jewelry.
Let's Make a Sandwich We have 49 possible ingredients to make a delicious Sandwich--and Word Search.
Y Comes Second ... among the 7 or more letters in each of the 58 words in today's puzzle.
Banking Business Cash in on the 42 terms associated with Banks hidden in our puzzle vault.
JOHN Around the World Ian and Jan are two of the 48 variants of JOHN found in languages around the globe.
Go with SPACE The 37 words here go before or after SPACE to form common expressions.
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