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MAN, Oh MAN, What a Word Search 55 different kinds of men--or, more accurately, MANs--are gathered in today's Word Search.
Indian Ocean Ports From the Middle East to Australia, the vast Indian Ocean is served by these 40 large ports, as well as many others.
Franchises for Everyday USA These 70 non-restaurant franchise businesses make day-to-day living more convenient for many of us.
Green Groups No, not those concerned with the environment, just 37 types of clusters in which trees and plants grow.
From the Greek These 55 English words have come into usage directly from Greek.

TV for Teens The 47 television series hidden here have had large audiences among the older teen and college age market.
World's Great Playwrights These 57 writers have authored many of the most enduring plays of all time.
Ladies First Ladies do go first in these Word search of 43 words each beginning with a different female name.
Islands of the U. S. You'll land on the names of 60 American Islands in a sea of unused letters in this puzzle.
A HARD Word Search Hopefully the solver will easily find HARD and 40 of its synonyms in today's grid.
Non-Chocolate Candy Who doesn't like chewing on these 49 sweet, or sour, or both, treats?
Water Sports With the heat on across much of America, we suggest one of these 26 cool sports.
Characters in "The Simpsons" Don't have a cow, man, if you can't find all 60 characters from the long-running show.
45 Companies with 45 Billion in Revenue According to , these 45 American corporations had at least $45,000,000,000 in revenue in 2009.
POP Goes the Weasel ... when he tries this Word Search of 32 words containing POP.
Top Comedy Movies According to the American Film Institute, these are the funniest 55 movies of all time.
Popular PC Games How many of these 64 Games for the Personal Computer have you played?
Animal Adjectives Each of the 36 Adjectives describes a different class or type of creature on Earth.
50 Most Populous Countries Can you find each of the World's 50 Most Populous Nations which are in top-down order below?
Shades of Gray Finding the 27 Shades of Gray or colors with Gray in them is a black-and-white proposition.
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