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Famous Ronalds Etc. 44 noted actors, athletes, politicians, singers, et al, named Ronald, Ron, Ronnie, or Ronny populate today's grid--including COX, ELY, and MIX.
Taxes Et All Federal, state, and local governments raise funds using these 47 means, where $ = TAX, + = LICENSE, # = PERMIT, and > = FEE.
Herding Dogs The 53 breeds here are used across the globe to herd sheep, cattle, and other livestock.
"Merry Christmas" Around the World No matter the language used, the 42 expressions all mean have a holly jolly good one.
Greatest of All Time Hot 100 Artists These 77 artists and groups, including TLC, top Billboard's definitive list.

A SNOWy Word Search You'll quickly get the DRIFT of this puzzle of 29 words that follow Snow to make common words and phrases.
Movies of the Season How many of these 55 holiday films, including Elf, will you watch (probably not for the first time) in the coming weeks?
G Occupations You can find a Great job in our listing of 38 Occupations that begin with G.
CSI Characters Can you investigate today's Word Find scene and identify 48 main characters from the five CSI TV shows?
R Animals R zoo has only 44 animals in it, but each of their names, including Rat, starts with the letter R.
A TIGHT Fit We've crammed 29 words and phrases containing the word TIGHT, including Uptight, into today's grid.
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade These 45 floats, balloons, balloonicles, and novelty balloons will be in the lineup of this Thanksgiving's annual parade.
Ends in O A puzzle of 56 words of eight or more letters that end in O should challenge any Word Search AficionadO.
Let's SPRUCE Things Up Planting any of these 34 Spruce varieties can make your yard look better.
Emperors and Empresses These 50 rulers are notable for their reigns over various empires.
Former State Capitals Each of these 49 municipalities once served as a seat of state government before the current capital became permanent.
Novelty and Fad Dances You can dance the week or month or year away with these 69 cool dance styles.
Bet You Can't Eat Just One ... Lay's, Lay's Wavy, Lay's Kettle Cooked, or Lay's STAX potato chip in these 37 flavors.
The Pigs Porky would love this Word Search of 47 Pig breeds. And no, Looney Tunes isn't one.
The Automobile by Any Other Name People sometimes use one or more of the 41 names here--including BUS, CAR, and TUB--to describe automobiles.
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