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Begins With "S" 79 6-long words beginning with "S" completely fill today's Word Search grid.
Heat It Up As the cold of winter creeps nearer, All-Star Puzzles offers these 39 ways to Heat things up.
Nobel Prize Winners: Literature Hungarian novelist Imre Kertesz will join these 98 past winners of writing's most-prized award.
It's in the Bag If you find all 45 of these handbag items in one woman's bag, her name must be Chyna.
ONE in the Middle All 58 of these words and phrases have ONE in the middle.

The Conglomerate: P & G Brands We know them by their famous brand names, but all 37 are from the folks at Proctor & Gamble.
Roberts Actors, inventors, writers, statesmen--and all 54 named Robert.
Animal Young These 42 animal offspring come in all shapes and one size: small.
That's Loud 50 things that are loud or make a loud noise should wake up any sleepy solver.
She's a Lady Can you find the 35 words and phrases that go with Lady to make well-known expressions?
Take a Number ... from any of these 60 things that commonly have numbers.
Hello ... Goodbye All-Star Puzzles introduces the solver to 46 things to say when we meet and part.
Fear Conquer Wordsearchphobia by diagnosing the 75 phobias in this puzzle.
Let's Eat At ... one of these 36 places that offer food.
Heisman Trophy Winners Who will join the 66 college football standouts as 2002's best player?