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Noun Suffixes and Ending Combining Forms Each of these 49 5-letter-or-longer additions to root words make new words that fall into a general category of meaning.
Starring Sandra Bullock The popular star of 40 entertaining movies topped her previous work in 2013's Gravity.
B Foods No, not nectar, 59 tasty foods to please your puzzle palate.
Famous People -- U Make urself useful and round up the 28 famous people whose surnames begin with U.
The TOPs This puzzle of 55 common words and phrases containing TOP is definitely The Tops when it comes to Word Finds.

You Talk Too Much We celebrate Joe Jones' 1960 hit with a Word Search of 43 words and phrases meaning to talk, talk, tallllllllllllk, talk.
More than a Drop You'll find lots of water in each of these 46 generic bodies of water, including Bay, Dam, Run, and Sea.
Multiword Conjunctions No and, but, or or, Let Alone nor, just 37 Conjunctions of two or more words.
What's Left ... is a puzzle of 52 words that mean what's left behind after something is done.
Cities Along Interstate 40 America's third longest highway, I-40 runs from North Carolina to California, with these 34 cities along its route.
C Compound Words A compound word is a word consisting of components that are words, and in today's grid we have 49 beginning with C.
As a RESULT A little effort will result in the solver finding the 38 words and phrases synonymous with RESULT.
Everybody Get Together ... in one of these 50 groups people form for various purposes.
Eat! ... a pint of your favorite ice cream as a reward for finding the 42 words meaning EAT.
EE at the End Golly gEE, let's sEE if you can find all 50 words of 6 or more letters that end in EE.