Going forward, there will be no new puzzles. Please continue to enjoy the past puzzles!
The Burgs Et Al 46 cities around the world with names ending in BURG or one of its variants populate today's puzzle.
What We Wore, 1000-1800 We make an out-of-fashion statement with these 56 clothing items that were what-to-wear in their day.
Indian Dishes We offer a tasty taster's choice of 53 menu items from our favorite Indian restaurant.
AFI's "100 Years...100 Cheers" Movies 82 of the American Film Institute's most inspiring movies of all time are showing in our packed theater.
Starts with QUI QUick!, circle the 33 6-letters-or-longer words beginning QUI.

St. Patrick's Day Word Search Celebrate the wearin' o' the green with this Word Search of 58 people, places, and things Irish.
Missouri River Cities and Towns These 44 muncipalities lie along the banks of the wide Missouri.
Kangaroo Words Can you sePARaTe the 50 Kangaroo Words--words that contains letters of another word, in order, with the same meaning--from the puzzle grid?
Sullivan Award Winners These 55 competitors are among those deemed the U. S. amateur athlete of the year.
Sparrows 55 varieties of Sparrows are singing a happy tune throughout this puzzle grid..
Tony, Tony, Tony 40 famous Tonys make today's Word Find a very Tony puzzle.
50 Bestselling iPhone Apps These popular paid apps entertain or aid millions everywhere.
BE at the End MayBE it would be too much to descriBE this puzzle of 46 words ending in BE as the BE-all and end-all of word searches.
The BLUEs We've got the BLUEs with this Word Find of 48 things that are Blue or partly Blue.
An AVERAGE Puzzle What makes this puzzle Average are the 31 words meaning Common or General in it.
Hyphenated Words That Self-Rhyme Yoo-Hoo! We have a Super-Duper Word Search of 55 words whose first and last halves rhyme.
Famous TOMs 39 famous men named Tom star in today's puzzle.
Make a LIST We've made a List of 66 different kinds of Lists and put the entries into a Word Find puzzle.
R Geography We've hidden 42 atlas entries beginning with R in today's grid.
Library of Congress Living Legends These 44 notables are among those who have been honored by the national institution for their significant contributions to America's heritage.
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