Going forward, there will be no new puzzles. Please continue to enjoy the past puzzles!
Shakespeare's Women Played by actors in the Bard's day, these 56 characters are plum roles for actresses today.
OO at the End Is it tOO much to ask to find the 45 4-letter-or-longer word ending in OO?
Commercial Mascots Everyone knows these 68 pitch "people" made famous on TV, in print media, and by the products themselves.
Reduplicants In this LULU of a puzzle, you'll be seeing double when you look for the 53 words made up of a letter sequence repeated twice.
Ann, Et Al Can you circle the 58 famous Anns, Annes, Annas, and Annies?

Ready, Set, GO ... find the 89 common expressions beginning with the word GO.
NBA Teams With the pro basketball season in full swing, it's time to identify the 30 teams competing.
Places Ending in O On the gO with 72 places around the world whose names end in O.
Disney Characters: The Ladies These 44 heroines and villainesses have thrilled us in Disney's marvelous animated movies.
Weather Terms We've all heard these 67 terms a meteorologist uses when he tells us whether it will be fair or rainy or hot.
TOM's Puzzle Can you find the 50 words containing TOM?
Danielle Steel Novels The bestselling author has sold well over a half billion copies of her 80 novels .
The Horn Blowers These 37 famous trumpet and cornet players have hit a lot of high notes.
How to Walk the Walk Walk your way through this Word Search of 65 ways to move on down the road.
Pasta Any of these 50 kinds of Pasta make a filling, tasty meal.
Shrek and Company 69 characters from the green ogre's three films make a fun Halloween Word Find.
Bears Bear down on this Word Search of 30 kinds of Bears--no, Teddy isn't one of them.
Hot! Hot! Hot! 48 things that are hot or give off heat make a devil of a puzzle.
Popular Pet Names -- Male Dogs These are, in order, the 52 current most-used names for male mutts.
Famous People--O These 66 people whose names begin with O are noted in history, music, arts, sports, etc.
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