Farming in Kansas This mural, in the U. S. Courthouse in Wichita, celebrates the rich farming heritage of the state. Can you harvest our 16 alterations?
Let's Put on a Show Fruits and veggies at Gilroy Gardens entertain kids and adults alike, while we entertain solvers with 15 differences between the images.
Point Pinos Lighthouse The oldest continuously operating lighthouse on the West Coast, this Pacific Grove landmark still helps sailors avoid the rocky shore--even with our 15 changes.
The Rusty Bolt This old Route 66 establishment looks like a kitschy kool place to explore--with or without our 17 "improvements."
Fiesta! Though slightly the worse for wear, a Baltimore painting celebrates Hispanic Heritage, and we add 17 alterations to the fun fest.

Bourbon Street Band New Orleans street artists entertain Big Easy tourists, and our 15 changes entertain Spot the Differences solvers.
Pulp A purple store with a catchy name draws customers, and a 17-alteration puzzle draws Spot the Difference solvers.
Fun Time The characters in this wild mural are all having fun; and you can have fun, too, solving for the 17 differences.
Dining Al Fresco Outdoor dining in warmer weather is very popular, as evidenced by this sidewalk cafe crowded with patrons--and 17 changes.
Going, Going, Gone! Actually, we don't know whether the batter hit a home run or popped up, but you'll hit a home run if you find the 17 differences.
Mystic Boats Boats and buildings to support seafarers dot Mystic Seaport, and 16 changes dot our image of the scene.
Mt. Pleasant We've made 15 subtle alterations to this block of shops in the culturally-diverse Washington, D. C., neighborhood.
Let's Have a (P)Arty ... finding the 17 differences between the images of fun art materials designed for children.
Washington, D. C., Street Scene Mural Activiies past and present along a 10th St. are pictured in this mural, along with 16 subtle changes that we have made to the atmosphere.
At the Snow Cap The Arizona burger cafe that owns this classic has served customers on historic Route 66 for years, and we serve 16 changes for the solver to find.
Fort McHenry Officers' Mess Oh say can you see the 15 differences in this puzzle honoring the brave men who battled to save Baltimore in 1814.
My Beautiful Balloon Balloons begin to rise at the annual festival in Albequerque, carrying our 16 changes with them.
Mardi Gras Parade A great float jazzes up Mobile's Fat Tuesday event, and we jazz up the image with 18 alterations.
PortaBella This Carmel restaurant serves food that's every bite as good as its outward appearance, and we serve 15 differences for the solver to find.
In the Frame ... is an art and custom framing store that becomes a puzzle with 16 differences to find.
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