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Quotes with multiple typos confound even eagle-eyed solvers.
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December 2016-April 2017

Garbledegook 1227
We love it when they spread the fertilizer on real thick.
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Garbledegook 1226
A man with the same investment strategy as ours.
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Garbledegook 1225
Speaking of the brother-in-law ...
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Garbledegook 1224
Humans are genetically-wired to be night people.
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Garbledegook 1223
Sounds yummy to us.
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Garbledegook 1222
A practice Vince Lombardi would have endorsed.
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Garbledegook 1221
His favorite film must be Risky Business.
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Garbledegook 1220
Politics 101.
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Garbledegook 1219
So let yourself get all wrapped up in it.
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Garbledegook 1218
A Cautionary Valentine's Day wish to all you young lovers.
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Garbledegook 1217
We're thinking of running in 2020 on a Below-Average Joe platform.
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Garbledegook 1216
The dark cloud, the silver lining.
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Garbledegook 1215
"The Star-Spangled Banner" and knee surgery.
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Garbledegook 1214
The Sheridan Whiteside of feelings.
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Garbledegook 1213
Nice guys finish first.
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Garbledegook 1212
Thanks, but we'll just lie here.
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Garbledegook 1211
Richard the Mouse-Hearted?
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Garbledegook 1210
For this wonderful season and throughout 2017 ...
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Garbledegook 1209
Time for the old "Because I said so."
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Garbledegook 1208
The rose-colored glasses are a little out of focus.
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147-128 127-108 107-88 87-68 67-48 47-28 27-8
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