Garbledegook 1187 Plop! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1186 Well, we do like to bring a little joy into the lives of others. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1185 And he said this long before 24/7/365 TV. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1184 Or we could lie down on the couch right now and take a nap. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1183 This quote bytes. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     

Garbledegook 1182 We'll pay our IOU at our bank in the Bahamas. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1181 Oh, no! Our toes are gone! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1180 Ewwww! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1179 Finally, someone who makes cents--er, sense. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1178 With no Pulitzer Prize in the offing. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1177 Do you spell that "rec"--or "wreck"? Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1176 The peace that passeth ... by on a raft. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1175 Ego trip wire. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1174 From The Politician's Handbook, page 1. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1173 For his is the kingdom of best friends forever. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1172 The modern definition of one month. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1171 More likely we'd dig up a buried dog bone. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1170 "Smile, when your heart is breaking"--or not. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1169 I. e., her salary is twice yours. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1168 Then you first need to come out of your basement. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
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