Garbledegook 687 Hi-ho, Rossini! Away! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 686 Superman and superwoman. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 685 We hope you spread the joy during this holiday season. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 684 The race between the sexes. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 683 Makes us want to get a tattoo on our biceps. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     

Garbledegook 682 That would be great for the old arthritis! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 681 We think we'll pack it in after this one. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 680 Crash! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 679 Duty calls. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 678 Fumble!!! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 677 Personally, we never bother reading it anyhow. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 676 Right, mate. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 675 The story of our lives. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 674 It's not just all fun and ca-noodling, you know. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 673 No, but he'll probably need help in court soon enough. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 672 Thank you, American Bar Association. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 671 He'll get a 15-vote penalty for this comment. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 670 Fortunately, it works the same for the bad as the good. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 669 10-40, good buddy. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 668 Return to sender, address Cloud 9. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
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