Garbledegook 7 This one goes out to the All-Star Puzzles IT staff from the puzzle people. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 6 How about another choice: galloping away into the sunset? Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 5 Still works for us--if there's 500 lbs. of steam involved. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 4 A true second childhood. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 3 Guess he doesn't know how to "Read my lips." Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     

Garbledegook 2 Sweatin' to the pop tops popping. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 1 How far can Yugo? Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
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