Garbledegook 947 Flip-flopping allowed. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 946 Mooving right along ... Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 945 We gather together to count the Lord's blessings ... Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 944 Maybe if we had more than 4 cylinders ... Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 943 Boy, are we 90-lb. weaklings! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     

Garbledegook 942 And still end up with the short end! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 941 This quote cracks us up. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 940 We call it playing good defense. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 939 By now, the band Talking Heads must wish they'd given themselves a different name. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 938 To quote Mac Davis: "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way." Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 937 Don't look down, you're a foot off the ground! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 936 Who do hoodoo voodoo? Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 935 We'd settle for an omelet. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 934 Keeping up with those disgusting Joneses. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 933 As long as a W appears in the scorebook ... Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 932 Never in our whole life. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 931 Sounds like the perfect place to us. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 930 Pi r round will always beat pi r squared. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 929 Especially when nobody recognizes you. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 928 She's been talking to Mrs. All-Star Puzzles again. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
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