Garbledegook 627 Just a little more work to do this time. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 626 Customers are our most-valuable asset. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 625 Being a good scout. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 624 Now that's a novel idea, buddy. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 623 La plus ca change ... Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     

Garbledegook 622 This quote gives us chills. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 621 Walking the good walk. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 620 A sure bet. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 619 Close enough for us. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 618 They're all cuckoos. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 617 Thick-skinned to the max. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 616 Well, reading is fun-damental. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 615 He's not one of the goodfellas. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 614 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 613 True colors. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 612 Ring-a-ding-ding! Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 611 Familiarity breeds content. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 610 Politicians' math. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 609 V for victory. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
Garbledegook 608 The story of our lives. Select difficulty: |  |   |    |     
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