From the German -- Food and Drink Use your Noodle and anagram the 14 edibles and potables brought to us from the land of great Bier.
Copy That! All the words in this jumble mean to copy someone or something in same manner, not necessarily exactly.
They're PINK You'll be looking pretty if you unscramble these things that are or can be all or partly Pink.
Countries Whose Names Have No Repeated Letters None of these 14 nations has a repeated letter in its name.
Triple Heterographs We're asking the solver to-too-two unjumble these word trios that are pronounced the same but spelled differently. (Note: words are in alphabetic order in each trio.)
Civil War Generals 150 years ago, these men led the Union and Confederate armies in the War Between the States.
Only Animals Have ... ... these body parts not found on humans.
People Who Serve Others Their jobs are taking personal care of others; your job is to unscramble them.
Over___ Can you unjumble these words that follow OVER to make longer words?
At the Rodeo If you know these terms associated with the great American event, you're a Rodeo Anagram champion.
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