Ratings Time How do you rate at unscrambling these words meaning "evaluate"?
Care Bears Do you collect these furry favorites?
Real Men in Moustaches For each of these famous men, his moustache became a big part of his personna.
OOO Words Uh-O! 14 jumbles of words containing three O's and no other vowels.
TV Comedy Spinoffs These shows became hits after their characters were spun-off from earlier TV hits.

Dinosaurs Can you anagram these giants who ruled the Earth?
Send in the Clowns ... and we'll all get a laugh--or fright!
Four Expressions Just for you, words and expressions containing FOUR.
Clipper Ships Solvers will sail through this jumble of fast ships. Bon anagramming!
Chewing Gum Can you chew through these anagrams of chewing and bubble gum brands?
Monster Trucks Drive to the finish by unscrambling these 14 crowd-pleasing crunchers.
French Writers From Les Miserables to Candide to The Stranger, French authors made major contributions to world literature.
Cities Along the Ohio Between Pittsburgh and the Mississippi, these are among the cities along the banks of the great river.
Sit a Spell Take a load off and anagram these things on which we sit.
Holidays and Commemorations The times when we celebrate historical, religious, and personal events.