Night Time ... is the right time to solve these jumbled NIGHT phrases.
Things That Are Narrow Relatively speaking, of course, since some are miles wide.
Read the Fine Print ... and there shouldn't be any surprises.
Ancient Cities The earth's early civilizations centered on these great Ancient Cities.
Some More Talk See if you can walk the Anagram Puzzle walk by unscrambling these Talk-ative words and phrases.

Pioneers in Flight It truly was a wild blue yonder into which these early pilots flew.
When? Here and now it's time to anagram these words and phrases that answer the question.
Community Groups These organizations increase the quality of all our lives.
Asian Capitals ... and the countries of which they are capitals make a tough Anagram Puzzle.
In Fashion You'll look fabulous, dahling, wearing clothes from these famous designers.
More Gems Precious or semi-precious, their beauty shines through, too.
Famous French People -- Non-Artists As far as we know, not a single one of these noted French folks could even paint the house.
Made of Glass ... and breakable, just like this Jumble Puzzle.
B Places From around the world, a bevy of geographical locales beginning with B.
MM Words An M-M good Anagram Puzzle, Jimmy.
Most Popular Magazines These 14 are among the American magazines with the highest circulation.
Drink Up, Again Another jumble of non-alcoholic drinks to tickle the taste.
Personal Care Items Get ready for the day, or the night out, with these assorted toiletries.
Great Painters We have several of their masterpieces at home; okay, so they're copies.
The Blue Puzzle Don't feel BLUE if you can't unjumble all the phrases in this Anagram List Puzzle.
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