The VOLs Attempting solution of these Anagrams containing VOL is strictly VOLuntary.
Presidential Medal of Freedom Awardees -- Film The 14 people here have won the highest civilian award of the United States for their contributions to movies and television.
W Cities Can you work your way through these Anagrams of city names starting with W?
All the Information ... you need to know is that we've jumbled a number synonyms for Information in today's puzzle.
Super One-Hit Wonders 14 of the bestselling One-Hit Wonders over the past decades are playing here.
K Animals Don't be koi--er, coy--we know you want to try this scramble of animals whose names begin with K.
SECOND Is First ... in this Anagram List of words or phrases that follow SECOND to make common expressions.
Metonymy -- Places Can you unravel these places that stand for a thing or concept with which they are associated (for ex., Langley for the CIA)?
The Basics of Baseball -- Offense Unscramble these parts of America's game which can lead to a team scoring runs.
Sine QUA Non It is absolutely essential that you unjumble these words beginning QUA if you want to earn an Anagram star.
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