Famous People -- F You'll find a way to figure out these famous folks whose surname begins with F.
Siamese Twins: Alliteration The words on either side of "and" or "or" in each common phrase begins with the same sound.
The SHOW Must Go On And the Anagram Show does go on with this jumble of different kinds of Shows.
What We Believe ... is that the solver will make short work of this scramble of words synonymous with belief.
Enclosures You'll soon be in the middle of this set of jumbles.

Water in Motion From a drip drip drip to a deluge, H2O goes on its way.
Where We Live in the City Can you lay out our town by unscrambling these words with which people describe where they live?
Coming Attractions We know you'll solve these futuristic words and phrases in your own good time.
Plantlife in General Can you clip through this jumble of generic words for our flora.
Starring Matt Damon There must have been something in that first Mystic Pizza, because Matt Damon has the movie magic touch.