Sit Down Take a load off and solve today's Anagram List.
U. S. Cities 1 Unscramble these mixed-up American metropolises.
Shapes 1 Things you know from their silhouettes.
Ice Hockey Enjoy another season of bone-jarring hockey action.
You're Right! ... and with these anagrams we agree.

You're Wrong! ... and we succintly say so.
Non-Chocolate Candy Many of these sweets will be in the bag on Trick or Treat night.
Halloween All-Star Puzzles treats the solver to these tricky Halloween anagrams.
Fancies Not just your plain vanilla Anagram List today.
Hall of Fame Quarterbacks In memory of Colts great Johnny U., we hike the ball to these all-time pro passers.
Indian Leaders These Native American notables have contributed to the country's colorful history.
Foreign Makes Can you anagram these auto imports popular with American drivers?
Headwear Put your noggins together and come up with these items of "hairware."
Big Birds All these feathered friends flocking on "Sesame Street" would cause a major traffic jam
Explorers of the Americas In celebration of 1492, anagram these cohorts of Christopher Columbus.
American Rivers "Way down upon the Swanee" or one of these other U. S. rivers.
Animal Phrases 1 Don't let these tough jumbles make a dumb bunny out of you.
Famous Pairs 1 They go together like ... well, like themselves.
Good-Bye Parting is such sweet sorrow when these words are said.
Hello What we say when we meet on Anagram St.
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