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Quotation Puzzles
Reconstruct the transposed quote using our unique online solver.
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January-February 2023

Going forward, there will be no new puzzles. Please continue to enjoy the past puzzles!
Quotation Puzzle 5146
Hopefully you have all the necessary tools.

Quotation Puzzle 5145
We're a little pessimistic about this actually working that way.

Quotation Puzzle 5144
Bachman-Turner Overdrive sang it best.

Quotation Puzzle 5143
Just thinking about this is excruciating.

Quotation Puzzle 5142
Our editor tried to Axe this quote,

Quotation Puzzle 5141
This quote is definitely not a yawner.

Quotation Puzzle 5140
Don't we know it.

Quotation Puzzle 5139
Why didn't she ask us this 60 years ago?

Quotation Puzzle 5138
If at first you don't succeed ...

Quotation Puzzle 5137
Our counselor recommended Beats by Dre to us.

Quotation Puzzle 5136
A dire warning.

Quotation Puzzle 5135
We have our earbuds in right now.

Quotation Puzzle 5134
Let's drink a toast to the author of this quote.

Quotation Puzzle 5133
Actions do speak louder than words.

Quotation Puzzle 5132
297 channels and nothing worth watching.

Quotation Puzzle 5131
Uh, not by a longshot is that a draw.

Quotation Puzzle 5130
Here's a bran--er, brand--new quote to solve.

Quotation Puzzle 5129
In other words, get a life!

Quotation Puzzle 5128
Yeah, cuz we have HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Paramount+, Showtime, Starz, and more.

Quotation Puzzle 5127
He gets an F in astronomy.

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4072-4053 4052-4033 4032-4013 4012-3993 3992-3973 3972-3953 3952-3933
3932-3913 3912-3893 3892-3873 3872-3853 3852-3833 3832-3823
3822-3803 3802-3783 3782-3763 3762-3743 3742-3723 3722-3703 3702-3683
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3393-3374 3373-3354 3353-3334 3333-3314 3313-3294 3293-3274 3273-3254
3253-3234 3233-3214 3213-3194 3193-3174 3173-3154 3153-3134 3133
3132-3113 3112-3093 3092-3073 3072-3053 3052-3033 3032-3013 3012-2993
2992-2973 2972-2953 2952-2933 2932-2913 2912-2893 2892-2873 2872
2871-2852 2851-2832 2831-2812 2811-2792 2791-2772 2771-2752 2751-2732
2731-2712 2711-2692 2691-2672 2671-2652 2651-2632 2631-2612 2611
2610-2591 2590-2571 2570-2551 2550-2531 2530-2511 2510-2491 2490-2471
2470-2451 2450-2431 2430-2411 2410-2391 2390-2371 2370-2351
2350-2331 2330-2311 2310-2291 2290-2271 2270-2251 2250-2231 2230-2211
2210-2191 2190-2171 2170-2151 2150-2131 2130-2111 2110-2091 2090
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1688-1669 1668-1649 1648-1629 1628-1609 1608-1589 1588-1569 1568-1567
1566-1547 1546-1527 1526-1507 1506-1487 1486-1467 1466-1447 1446-1427
1426-1407 1406-1387 1386-1367 1366-1347 1346-1327 1326-1307 1306
1305-1286 1285-1266 1265-1246 1245-1226 1225-1206 1205-1186 1185-1166
1165-1146 1145-1126 1125-1106 1105-1086 1085-1066 1065-1046
1045-1026 1025-1006 1005-986 985-966 965-946 945-926 925-906
905-886 885-866 865-846 845-826 825-806 805-786
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523-504 503-484 483-464 463-444 443-424 423-404 403-384
383-364 363-344 343-324 323-304 303-284 283-264 263
262-243 242-223 222-203 202-183 182-163 162-143 142-123
122-103 102-83 82-63 62-43 42-23 22-3 2-1
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