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Starfleet Launches
Five new starships join the Republic's far-flying fleet.
April 4, 2005
Three of the five starships launched are given in clue 1: the IRSS Romulus, the ship commanded by Admiral Pickhard, and the extragalactic explorer. Admiral Hut-jaba doesn't command the extragalactic explorer (clue 8) or the IRSS Romulus (11) and thus commands the fourth starship. The nucleowaste hauler isn't the IRSS Romulus (9) and isn't commanded by Admiral Pickhard (4) or Admiral Hut-jaba (6); it is the fifth starship launched last week. The IRSS Armstrong isn't Admiral Pickhard's (4) or Admiral Hut-jaba's (6) command, nor is it the nucleowaste hauler (6). The IRSS Armstrong is the extragalactic explorer. By clue 9, Admiral Skytrotter commands the IRSS Armstrong. By clue 3, the nucleowaste hauler isn't the IRSS Jorge Lukas. Since either Admiral Kork or Admiral Atreyades commands the nucleowaste hauler, it isn't the IRSS Cerberus (2). The nucleowaste hauler is the IRSS New Philadelphia. Its commander is Admiral Atreyades (7), with Admiral Kork commanding the IRSS Romulus. Neither Admiral Kork (7) nor Admiral Hut-jaba (11) commands the spice trader, so Admiral Pickhard does. The spice trader is the IRSS Cerberus (5), with the IRSS Jorge Lukas Admiral Hut-jaba's starship. The latter is a rescue transport, and the IRSS Romulus is a light destroyer (10). In sum, the five starships joining the Intergalactic Republic's Starfleet last week are

  • IRSS Armstrong, an extragalactic explorer commanded by Admiral Skytrotter
  • IRSS Cerberus, a spice trader commanded by Admiral Pickhard
  • IRSS Jorge Lukas, a rescue transport commanded by Admiral Hut-jaba
  • IRSS New Philadelphia, a nucleowaste hauler commanded by Admiral Atreyades
  • IRSS Romulus, a light destroyer commanded by Admiral Kork

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