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Cryptogram Puzzles
Decipher the quotable quote, then decode the hidden author's name.
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September-October 2005

Cryptogram Puzzle 975
A poor judge of character.

Cryptogram Puzzle 974
A big deposit in the First Notional Bank

Cryptogram Puzzle 973
We're doing 60 ... 70 ... 80 ...

Cryptogram Puzzle 972
Then you'll have plenty of time to stop and smell the roses.

Cryptogram Puzzle 971
Splat! How 'bout that?

Cryptogram Puzzle 970
The trouble with American CEO's.

Cryptogram Puzzle 969
Col. Jessep disagrees.

Cryptogram Puzzle 968
The role model.

Cryptogram Puzzle 967
Except when he's the victim.

Cryptogram Puzzle 966
Doesn't everybody on the bus always break about even in Atlantic City?

Cryptogram Puzzle 965
Salt water has that effect.

Cryptogram Puzzle 964
We'll make Christmas morning an exception.

Cryptogram Puzzle 963
If you're real lucky, both.

Cryptogram Puzzle 962
Makes it tough to grab.

Cryptogram Puzzle 961
Waiting for the ax to fall.

Cryptogram Puzzle 960
The biggest red flag of all.

Cryptogram Puzzle 959

Cryptogram Puzzle 958
We'd drop the "a."

Cryptogram Puzzle 957
The Nielsen Diet.

Cryptogram Puzzle 956
Smile, you're on candid commentary.

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