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Quotes with multiple typos confound even eagle-eyed solvers.
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December 2006-January 2007

Garbledegook 387
That wee little voice inside.
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Garbledegook 386
That's our excuse, er, our method, too.
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Garbledegook 385
Until they all start yelling, "Shotgun!"
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Garbledegook 384
Go ahead, make your day.
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Garbledegook 383
The forest.
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Garbledegook 382
Or any M.O.N.E.Y.
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Garbledegook 381
Making it look way too easy.
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Garbledegook 380
It's immeasurable.
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Garbledegook 379
That's a scary thought.
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Garbledegook 378
The upshot of this quote is ...
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Garbledegook 377
Might as well sit back and enjoy the scenery.
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Garbledegook 376
With 2006 in the hole, it's on to 2007.
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Garbledegook 375
There was a crooked man ...
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Garbledegook 374
Regret no evil?
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Garbledegook 373
Our advice: Hide!
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Garbledegook 372
From our house to yours ...
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Garbledegook 371
If everyone lit ...
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Garbledegook 370
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Garbledegook 369
Welcome to the club, Boo-Boo.
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Garbledegook 368
Like this cryptogram?
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